Mega Code Archive

1) Android
2) ASP.Net
3) ASP.Net Tutorial
4) C
5) C Tutorial
6) C#
7) C# Book
8) C# by API
9) C# Tutorial
10) C++
11) C++ Tutorial
12) Delphi
13) Flash ActionScript
14) Flex
15) Java
16) Java Book
17) Java by API
18) Java Tutorial
19) JavaScript DHTML
20) JavaScript Reference
21) JavaScript Tutorial
22) MSOfficeExcel 2007 Tutorial
23) MSOfficePowerPoint 2007 Tutorial
24) MSOfficeWord 2007 Tutorial
26) MSSQL Tutorial
27) MySQL
28) MySQL Tutorial
29) Oracle PLSQL
30) Oracle PLSQL Tutorial
31) Perl
32) Php
33) PostgreSQL
34) Python
35) Python Tutorial
36) Ruby
37) Silverlight
38) VB.Net
39) VB.Net by API
40) VB.Net Tutorial
41) Visual C++ .NET
42) VisualBasic Script
43) XML
44) XML Tutorial
1) 2D Graphics GUI
2) 3D Graphics
3) Advanced Graphics
4) Ant
5) Apache Common
6) Applet
7) Awt
8) Beginners Lab
9) Chart
10) Class
11) Collections Data Structure
12) Core
13) Data Type
14) Database SQL JDBC
15) Date Time
16) Design Pattern
17) Development Class
18) EJB3
19) Email
20) Event
21) File Input Output
22) Game
23) Generics
24) GWT
25) Hibernate
26) Internationalization
27) J2EE
28) J2ME
29) JDBC
30) JDK
32) JPA
33) JSP
34) JSTL
35) Language Basics
36) Learning
37) Mathematics
38) Network Protocol
40) Reflection
41) Regular Expressions
42) Scripting
43) Security
44) Servlets
45) Session
46) Sound
47) Spring
48) Swing Components
49) Swing JFC
50) SWT Jface Eclipse
51) Threads
52) Tiny Application
53) Util
54) Velocity
55) Web Services SOA
56) XML
1) Aggregate function
2) All Operator in EJB QL
3) Any With Subquery
4) AVG With GroupBy clause
5) Between And
6) BiDirection One To One Mappoing
7) Blob Type Column
8) Cascade Type PERSIST
9) Cascade Type REMOVE
10) Cast Result List To Generic Collection
11) Change Inheritance Type In Hierarchy
12) Change Table Name In Hierarchy
13) Conditional operator
14) Convert Java String Type To Varchar 40
15) Count Collection
16) Count Entities
17) Create Entity Manager Factory
18) Create More than one Named Queries for an Entity
19) Create Named Query With Entity
20) Create Query From Entity Manager
21) Create Sub Query With Entities
22) Create Your Own Table For Table Generator
23) Date Type Parameter
24) Define And Use Compound Primary Key
25) Delete Entities
26) Delete With Condition
27) Detachment With Eager Loading
28) Detachment With Triggered Lazy Loading
29) Distinct function
30) EJB QL
31) Embeddable Object Mapping
32) Embedded Compound Primary Key
33) Empty Value
34) Entity Join With Condition
35) Enumerated EnumType ORDINAL
36) Enumerated Value Mapping
37) Escape wildcard
38) Fetch Lazy
39) Find All Objects
40) Find Object By Class
41) Find One Object
42) Get Entity by ID
43) Get String Properties From Entities
44) Get Two Properties From Entity
45) Group By With Count
46) ID For Two Entities From One Table
47) ID Generation Type
48) ID Generation Type AUTO
49) Inheritance Result Mapping
50) Inheritance Result Mapping Two Subclasses
51) Inheritance Type JOINED
52) Inheritance Type TABLE_PER_CLASS
53) Inversion Join Column
54) Java Calendar Mapped To Date
55) Join Fetch
56) Join Member Entities
57) Join Three Entities
58) Join Two Entities in Many To One Mapping
59) Join Two Entities in One To One Mapping
60) Join Two Entities With Parameter
61) JPA can Create Sequence Table For You
62) Left Join
63) Lifecycle CallBack
64) Lifecycle CallBack Exclude Superclass Listeners
65) Lifecycle CallBack For One Subclass
66) Lifecycle CallBack PostLoad with EntityListeners
67) Lifecycle Callback PostPersist with EntityListeners
68) Lifecycle Callback PrePersist Validation
69) Lifecycle CallBack PrePersist with EntityListeners
70) Lifecycle CallBack PreRemove
71) Lifecycle CallBack PreUpdate
72) Lifecycle PostConstruct
73) Lock Entity
74) Lock Entity For Write
75) Many To Many Bidirectional Mapping
76) Many To Many Joined Table
77) Many to Many Mapping Key Table Is Created Automatically
78) Many To Many Mapping Remove Action
79) Many To One Cascade Persist
80) Many To One Cascade Remove
81) Many To One Mapping Cascade Merge
82) Many To One Mapping Cascade Type REFRESH
83) Many To One Mapping In Mapped Super class
84) Map Byte Array To Lob Column In Another Table
85) Map Calendar To Temporal Type Date
86) Map Calendar To TimeStamp
87) Map Char Array to Lob Type Column
88) Map Date To Temporal Type Date
89) Map Date To Timestamp
90) Map Each Class In Hierarchy To Its Own Table
91) Map Embedded Object To Multiple Table
92) Map Hierarchical Data
93) Map Java Date To Time
94) Map Java Date Type Field To Time
95) Map Java Enum Type
96) Map One POJO To Multiple Tables
97) Mark As Basic
98) Mark Column Precision And Scale
99) Mark Entity ID As Generated Value From Table
100) Mark Entity RelationShip As One To One
101) Mark Field as Transient during Mapping
102) Mark Joined Column As Nullable
103) Mark Unique Constraint
104) Match Single Character And Multiple Characters
105) MemberOf function
106) Merging Detached Entities
107) Named Query With Two Parameters
108) Named Query Without Parameter
109) Native Insert Statement With Parameter
110) Native Query For Delete
111) No Detachment Single Transaction
112) Not Empty
113) Not Exist With Subquery
114) Not IN
115) Not Nullable ID
116) Not Updatable Column
117) Nullable Column
118) OBJECT Funtion
119) One To Many And Many To One Mapping
120) One To Many based on List Collection
121) One To Many Bidirectional Mapping
122) One To Many MappedBy
123) One To Many Mapping with generated primary key
124) One To Many Mapping With MappedBy
125) One To Many Target Entity
126) One To Many Unidirectional Mapping
127) One To One Bidirectional
128) One To One MappedBy
129) One To One Mapping
130) One To One Mapping Based On Table Based ID
131) One To One Unidirectional Mapping
132) Order By Descending
133) Order By Two Columns
134) Pageable Entity Manager
135) Persist An Object
136) Persisting With Relationships Using GetReference
137) Primary Key Column as Joined Column
138) Query for One To Many Mapping
139) Query Hints Example
140) Query With Parameter
141) Reference Two Entities In Where Clause
142) Relations on one entity
143) Relationship On Id
144) Remove An Entity
145) Removing With Relationships
146) Retrieve Entity Fields
147) Retrieve Inner Entity
148) Retrieve in One to Many Mapping
149) Retrieve One To One Mapped Entity
150) Reuse Embeddable Object
151) Select Two Entities
152) Sequence Id Generation
153) Set Association Override
154) Set Attribute Overrides
155) Set Column Definition
156) Set Column Definition For Many To One Mapping
157) Set Column Length
158) Set Column Name
159) Set Discriminator Column
160) Set Discriminator Value
161) Set IdClass for Compound Key
162) Set Inheritance And discriminator Column
163) Set Initial Value Of Table Generator
164) Set MapKey
165) Set Primary Key By Yourself
166) Set Primary Key Joined Column For Secondary Table
167) Set Referenced Column Inverse Join Column
168) Set Secondary Table Primary Key Join Column
169) Set Table Name And Its Table Schema
170) Simple Select statement
171) Single Table Inheritance
172) SQL Resultset Mapping
173) Sql Resultset Mapping With Alias
174) Start Transaction and Commit
175) Subquery in EJB QL
176) Update An Entity
177) Update Statement with exists function
178) Update Table With Where Clause
179) Use Cascade All to save linked entities automatically
180) Use Collection In One To Many Mapping
181) Use Entity As Query Parameter
182) Use In With One To One Mapping
183) Use One Joined Column
184) Use OrderBy Clause
185) Use Size Function To Check Collection
186) Use Table Generator To Generate ID
187) Use Two Joined Columns for Many to one Mapping
188) Use UUID As Primary Key
189) Using Entity Result
190) Using Exists clause
191) Using In function
192) Using Mapped Super class
193) Using Named Native Query
194) Using Primary Key Column as Joined Column
195) Using Primary Key Joined Column For Secondary Table
196) Using System MilliSeconds As Key